Thursday, December 17, 2015

Newsletter 19 - “The Last In-Person Sales of the Year”

Our 19th newsletter is available at

May we shine from within,

kira kira life

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19番目のニューズレターが用意出来ました。 (日本語版)



Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Newsletter 18 - “A New Artist! - Daniela Monaco by Daniela”

Our 18th newsletter is available at

May we shine from within,

kira kira life

------------- (Japanese) ------------

18番目のニューズレターが用意出来ました。 (日本語版)



Friday, December 4, 2015

Newsletter 17 - “kira kira life will be at Haleakala Waldorf School Holiday Faire"

Our 17th newsletter is available at

May we shine from within,

kira kira life

------------- (Japanese) ------------

17番目のニューズレターが用意出来ました。 (今回は日本語版がありません。)



Saturday, October 3, 2015

Newsletter 16 - “A New Artist! - Feisty Attire by Andrea”

Our 16th newsletter is available at

May we shine from within,

kira kira life

------------- (Japanese) ------------

16番目のニューズレターが用意出来ました。 (日本語)



Monday, August 17, 2015

Newsletter 15 - “Bead Embroidery Workshop and New Hair Ties for Children of Fukushima"

Our 15th newsletter is available at

May we shine from within,

kira kira life

------------- (Japanese) ------------

15番目のニューズレターが用意出来ました。 (日本語)



Sunday, August 9, 2015

Newsletter 14 - “Odissi Dance Workshop on Kauai Hosted by kira kira life"

Our 14th newsletter is available at

May we shine from within,

kira kira life

------------- (Japanese) ------------

14番目のニューズレターが用意出来ました。 (日本語)



Thursday, August 6, 2015

Newsletter 13 - “kira kira life will be at the Wailuku 1st Friday!"

Our 13th newsletter is available at

May we shine from within,

kira kira life

------------- (Japanese) ------------

13番目のニューズレターが用意出来ました。 (日本語)



Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Newsletter 12 - “A New Artist! - BexterDesigns by Rebecca"

Our 12th newsletter is available at

May we shine from within,

kira kira life

------------- (Japanese) ------------

12番目のニューズレターが用意出来ました。 (日本語)



Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Newsletter 11 - “A New Artist! - Emiko Saito's Just Living Aloha"

Our 11th newsletter is available at

May we shine from within,

kira kira life

------------- (Japanese) ------------

11番目のニューズレターが用意出来ました。 (日本語)



Tuesday, June 16, 2015

kira kira life will be at the Makawao 3rd Friday!

kira kira life will be at the Makawao 3rd Friday!

Which Friday?
This coming Friday the 19th! from 5:30 to 8:30 pm

This is how it happened...

Whenever I drive by cute, beautiful boutiques, I think to myself, "Wouldn't be nice if I could have a physical store for kira kira life, not just an online store?" But rent here on Maui is extraordinarily expensive. As of today, I cannot afford to rent a space.

Then one day (actually it was yesterday), an idea came to me. I said to myself, "If you cannot have a 'bricks and a mortar' store full-time, maybe you can have one from time to time." I asked myself, "Okay... how?"

Then I answered my own question, "By having a booth at local event."

Aha! A light bulb went off in my head. I immediately googled "Makawao 3rd Friday" (because I live near Makawao) and found a phone number to call, which led me to call another person, which led me to call another person :-), but it went all smoothly (everyone answered the phone). Ten minutes later, I was given a spot for this month (I thought I would have to wait until next month or so). Just like that!

So, I will be at this coming Friday's Makawao 3rd Friday with kira kira life's products!
 Please bring your family and friends and say hi to me in my "bricks and mortar" store.

May we shine from within,

Akari Ueoka (owner)

----------- Japanese --------

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Newsletter 09 - “A New Artist! - Ken Kennel the Pointillist”

Our 9th newsletter is available at

May we shine from within,

kira kira life

------------- (Japanese) ------------

 9番目のニューズレターが用意出来ました。 (日本語)



Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Miso Making Workshop

Yay, yay, yay!

kira kira life is going to start hosting workshops to empower us to make things on our own with our hands.

The 1st ever workshop will be held on Sat, June 20th (1 to 3 pm).

It is Miso Making Workshop, lead by the miso master, Nana Bush (she's been selling miso at the farmers market in Kula, Maui, HI).

Seating limited to only 7.

Register early at or

May you shine from within,

kira kira life

Newsletter 08 - “A New Artist! - Sol Flower Botanicals by Orius”

kira kira life newsletter 08

Our 8th newsletter is available at

May you shine from within,

kira kira life

------------- (Japanese) ------------

8番目のニューズレターが用意出来ました。 (日本語)



Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Do You Want kira kira life Newsletter in Your Primary Tab?

Many of us, Gmail users, know that Gmail has started to sort incoming emails and place them in different tabs. This feature puts kira kira life's newsletter in your Promotional tab.

If you like this new feature, and if you frequently check the Promotional tab, great.

But I had friends who told me, "Wow, I've never clicked the Promotional tab before!" These good friends of mine who totally support my new business (kira kira life) had never seen my newsletter!

If you want to receive kira kira life's newsletters in your Primary inbox, you can simply drag the email from the Promotions tab into the Primary tab, then click “yes” when it asks if you want to do that for all of my emails.

That's it!

Thank you for choosing to receive our shining news.

May you shine from within,

kira kira life

------- (Japanese) --------

Gメールをお使いになられている方はご存知かと思いますが、Gメールは入ってくるメールを自動的に種類別に振り分けるようになりました。メルマガなどは「プロモーション」のタブに入ります。なので、kira kira lifeからのニューズレターも、こちらのタブに入っていることと思われます。

Gメールのこの新しい機能が気に入っておられる方、「プロモーション」のタブも頻繁にチェックされている方は問題ないのですが、私の友人には「えぇ!プロモーションタブなんて一度もチェックしたことが無かったわよ」という方が何人かいたのです。この方たちはkira kira lifeを心から応援してくださっている方たちなのですが、なんと一度もkira kira lifeから送られていたニューズレターを目にしていなかったのでした。

もし私どもからのニューズレターを「メイン」のタブでお受け取りになりたい場合は、単純にkira kira lifeからのメールを「プロモーション」から「メイン」にドラッグ(マウスの左側のボタンを押したままマウスを移動させること)してドロップ(ボタンを放すこと)してください。



kira kira lifeからのキラキラなニュースを受け取ってくださってありがとうございます。


kira kira life

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Newsletter 06 - kira kira life was reborn!

Our 6th newsletter is available at

May you shine from within,

kira kira life

------------- (Japanese) ------------

6番目のニューズレターが用意出来ました。 (日本語)



Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Newsletter 05 - “Stay Tuned for the Website Makeover & New Artists"

Our 5th newsletter is available at

May you shine from within,

kira kira life

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Newsletter 04 - kira kira 250 Project

Our 4th newsletter is available at

May you shine from within, 

kira kira life

Saturday, March 14, 2015

1st Recipient of kira kira 250 Project

The Tibetan culture embraces a message of peace through the understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings. This message is carried in the culture and the hearts of the Tibetan people.

The Jamtse Sponsorship Project was founded to help support, educate and nourish Tibetan refugee children and their families living in Tibetan settlements outside of Tibet.

It is their belief that the teaching of peace and love that H.H The Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people bring to the world is sorely needed, and that the preservation of their culture and teachings will come through the support and education of the Tibetan children.

The JSP works primarily with the Tibet Fund and the Tibetan Department of Education.

Here is Biff, the founder of the Jamtse Sponsorship Project's letter about the JSP's progress in the recent years.

May you shine from within,

kira kira life


kira kira 250 プロジェクトで最初に応援しているプロジェクトは、「ジャムツェ スポンサーシップ プロジェクト」です。

チベット文化は、私たちは皆繋がっているという理解をもとに平和のメッセージを信奉しており、このメッセージはチベットの人々の心と文化に浸透しています。 ジャムツェ スポンサーシップ プロジェクト(JSP)は、チベット国外に暮らすチベット難民の子ども達が教育を受けられるようにするため、また子ども達の家族を援助するために設立されました。



Thursday, March 12, 2015

kira kira 250 Project


At kira kira life, we've decided put aside 10% of our revenue.
When we reach $250, we will donate it to a non-profit organization that is helping the lives of children in meaningful ways. 

I am Akari, the owner of kira kira life. I used to be a school teacher, and 
I love working with children. Although I am taking some time off from the teaching job in order to hone my skills as a classical Indian dancer, I cannot help but thinking about ways to contribute to the lives of children.

It is my dream to have an organization or scholarship fund someday to help the lives of children, but for now, I would like to focus on building kira kira life as a successful business, and to focus on my dance training.

However, in the meantime, I do not want to give up on somehow contributing to the lives of children. I kept thinking that there must be a way. I asked myself, "How can I do that without creating a brand new structure?" Then, an idea came to me during one of my morning meditations. It was that I could put aside a certain percentage of kira kira life's revenue, and when it reached a certain amount, I would donate it to an organization/project that is helping the lives of children in a way with which I resonate.

I was thrilled when I received this idea!

I've decided on the numbers: 10% and $250.
So, this is how kira kira 250 Project came to life.
It may not be much, but it is the first baby step.

I cannot wait to reach this goal!

May you shine from within,

kira kira life

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Newsletter 03 - “New Products - Feel the Aloha - Rainbow Maui's Creations”

Our third newsletter is available at

May you shine from within, 

kira kira life

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Newsletter 01 - “Brand New Products! - Hashi & Hats"

Our first newsletter is available at

May you shine from within,

kira kira life

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Why kira kira life was Created #3

kira kira life was created because Akari (the founder of kira kira life):
Reason #1 - It had to do with Akari following her dream.
Reason #2 - It had to do with Akari's grandpa and her mom.
Reason #3 - It had to do with Akari being mesmerized by the world.

In this blog entry, I will write about reason #3 - "Akari loves sharing beautiful creations with people."

As children, we were all experts at finding treasures in every corner of this world. We must have had moments of deep mesmerization... so much so, we could not speak, and time slowed down or even stopped.

Then we probably thought of someone with whom you wished to share it.

This is how I feel whenever I look at the products I sell at kira kira life.
When I was introduced to them, I admired their beauty, warmth, authenticity, and the stories within them.

Then, I wanted to share them with the world. This is one of the reasons why kira kira life was born.

I hope that kira kira life's products remind you of treasures like the quicksilver memories of your childhood.

May you shine from within,

kira kira life

このブログエントリーでは、3番目の理由である「あかりは、美しい創造物を人々と分かち合いたかった」 について書いていきます。







kira kira life