Tuesday, June 16, 2015

kira kira life will be at the Makawao 3rd Friday!

kira kira life will be at the Makawao 3rd Friday!

Which Friday?
This coming Friday the 19th! from 5:30 to 8:30 pm

This is how it happened...

Whenever I drive by cute, beautiful boutiques, I think to myself, "Wouldn't be nice if I could have a physical store for kira kira life, not just an online store?" But rent here on Maui is extraordinarily expensive. As of today, I cannot afford to rent a space.

Then one day (actually it was yesterday), an idea came to me. I said to myself, "If you cannot have a 'bricks and a mortar' store full-time, maybe you can have one from time to time." I asked myself, "Okay... how?"

Then I answered my own question, "By having a booth at local event."

Aha! A light bulb went off in my head. I immediately googled "Makawao 3rd Friday" (because I live near Makawao) and found a phone number to call, which led me to call another person, which led me to call another person :-), but it went all smoothly (everyone answered the phone). Ten minutes later, I was given a spot for this month (I thought I would have to wait until next month or so). Just like that!

So, I will be at this coming Friday's Makawao 3rd Friday with kira kira life's products!
 Please bring your family and friends and say hi to me in my "bricks and mortar" store.

May we shine from within,

Akari Ueoka (owner)

----------- Japanese --------

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