Thursday, December 21, 2017

Newsletter 24 - "Underwear Revolution 💫 Liberation"

Our 24th newsletter is available at

Underwear Revolution Liberation

I have been trying to find just the right underwear for years. I personally like the ones made with organic cotton, but styles are limited.

Then, I met TEPA's underwear. It was not only organic but also very cute and handmade. I found the one!

"If our inner body is tension free, our hearts relax, and we can be kinder to others," said Kyoko, the creator of TEPA. It is our hope that you find peace within you with TEPA's underwear. World peace begins with us.

May we all kira kira (shine) from within,

kira kira life

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下着のレボリューション (革命) & リベレーション (解放)!





安佳里 (kira kira life オーナー)